with our TrexDCAS brand, we provide your transition to the era of smart factories
With our TrexDCAS brand, we provide your transition to the era of smart factories. We bring together our expertise in the field of Internet of Objects (IIOT) with our customers.
Sysmond makes it easy to take sustainable steps towards institutionalization.
With Sysmond, we are bringing you with an infrastructure
that makes taking sustainable steps towards institutionalization easy and increases business productivity and scalable growth.
Use your resources wisely with Aizen
we ensure you to see your future for many years and to use you recourses more consciously.
Meet with the Solutions That Add Value to Organizations!
We are a domestic hardware and software manufacturer.
We are bringing you together with the products we developed while presenting our solutions.
As a Ministry approved Software and Electronic R&D Center,
we are enhancing our development day by day with our experience gained from our customers.
During our technology development we guarantee our place in the sector with certification. We have TSE ISO 27001, TSE ISO 9001, TSE ISO 15504 SPICE and CE certificates .
Since 1996, we have been growing with our customers, learning with our customers and improving with our customers.
We tailor all of our software and hardware to the needs of our customers and offer a 360 degree solutions.
The biggest witness of our experience we had over the years is our customers.
We continue our exixtence in Turkey and in different locations all over the world and we continue to spread.